Can Braces Fix TMJ Dysfunction?

Can Braces Fix TMJ Dysfunction?

Your jaw is comprised of a complex system of muscles, bones, and joints that should be, theoretically, working together in harmony. However, when these systems are not in tune with each other, otherwise known as disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and its nerves, they can cause anything from mild discomfort to searing pain that’s impossible to ignore. Fortunately, our primary focus at Foundations Orthodontics is helping our patients have pain-free, structurally sound, strong, and beautiful smiles. 

When you visit Foundations Orthodontics, you’ll notice that we use high-tech, in-house diagnostics that help us get a clear picture of your teeth, jaws, joints, and chewing muscles from every angle. These images are necessary to develop an accurate diagnosis. Though, it’s important to note that the pain experienced could be due to a build-up of tooth decay, sinus problems, several types of arthritis, or even gum disease. 

Upon visiting our office, Dr. Moran will design a personalized treatment plan if you are diagnosed with a TMJ disorder or suffer from jaw pain or a general decline of the chewing system. Her plan will create the ideal relationship between the teeth and jaw joints for long-term health and stability, not to mention eradicating the pain associated with TMJ issues. 

Symptoms of TMJ include:

  • Jaw pain and stiffness, and difficulty fully opening your mouth

  • Lock jaw in an open or closed position, or both

  • Headaches, earaches (and ringing in the ears called tinnitus), neck aches and shoulder pain, and often a popping or clicking noise and grating sensation when you open and close your mouth 

  • A tired feeling in your jaw and even in your face

  • Swelling or tenderness on one or both sides of your face

  • Pain in multiple teeth, often in tandem with difficulty chewing

While the discomfort of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) can be disjointing, to say the least - we are proud to offer various effective treatment options

Our board-certified orthodontist Dr. Renee Moran and  our team take a holistic approach, wherein we focus on creating customized treatment plans that include jaw and bite alignment to stop TMJ pain with the added bonus of straightening your or your child’s teeth. 

Considering the source of TMJ disorder is an integral part of Dr. Moran’s treatment. TMJ may be the result of:

  • A misaligned bite (the upper and lower teeth not coming together correctly)

  • Arthritis in the joint

  • Injury or trauma to the area

  • Genetics 

  • Teeth grinding and clenching, known as bruxism (though. It’s important to note that not everyone who grinds their teeth will develop TMJ dysfunction)

  • Neglecting to wear your stabilization splint full-time, or at night, depending on your treatment plan

A Pain by any Other Name: TMD

Did you know that the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on either side of the face?  These complex facial joints connect the jawbone to the skull and facilitate sliding and hinging motions. In fact, the TMJ works in tandem with the jawbones, facial and neck muscles, tendons, and teeth. While popular vernacular refers to problems in the joint and surrounding structures as TMJ, TMJ is an acronym for the joint itself. In actuality, TMJ issues are technically referred to as either a temporomandibular disorder (TMD), temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), or temporomandibular dysfunction. 

For posterity’s purpose - let’s explore some TMD terms that’ll help you better understand your or your child’s diagnosis and treatment options. 

What is a temporomandibular disorder or TMD?

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, there are three main classifications of TMDs: disorders of the joints, which include disc disorders, disorders of the muscles used for chewing, which are referred to as masticatory muscles and lastly and most unpleasantly, the often excruciating headaches associated with a TMD.

In essence, TMD encompasses all the disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and nerves. TMD symptoms can cause various types of pain in the face and can be attributed to tooth grinding or what we call bruxism, misalignment of top and bottom teeth, amongst many other reasons. Any issue that prevents the interconnected system of muscles, bones, and joints from working together can result in TMD. 

What is TMD jaw?

TMD jaw affects the jaw's movement, making speaking, eating and sleeping uncomfortable and difficult. Often, its symptoms include a dull, roaring pain in the facial area, as well as other symptoms noted above. 

Are braces an effective TMD treatment option?

Maybe. At Foundations Orthodontics, we do things a little differently. We aren’t simply focused on moving the teeth to give you cosmetic benefits. We also ensure the upper and lower teeth fit together, ensuring your jaw is aligned, creating cohesiveness between the teeth, jaw joints, and chewing muscles. However, as we’ll discuss shortly, treatment may involve wearing a TMJ splint before getting braces or aligners.

When it comes to Jaw Pain, the Solutions don’t have to be Arcane

Treatment options addressing jaw pain can seem confusing and maybe even downright mysterious, especially in connection with braces as a treatment option. In fact, one of the most prevalent questions we’re asked at Foundations Orthodontics is if braces and clear aligners can fix TMJ dysfunction.

Diagnosing and treating the root of the problem calls for an expert like Dr. Moran, a respected TMJ specialist, bite correction expert, and board-certified orthodontist. Her commitment to solving the most complex cases means she has taken her expertise a step further. In addition to her residencies, she also completed extensive post-graduate training in diagnosing and treating TMJ issues. 

The first course of action in remediating the pain from TMJ and whether or not braces can help your TMJ disorder is scheduling a complimentary consultation with us. The best way to learn more about how braces can fix TMJ is to speak with our expert, Dr. Moran. More time spent on diagnostics and treatment planning leads to better results. It can also lead to less time spent in actual treatment. Dr. Moran and our team have found that taking time with each patient is how we offer the best value and, most importantly, the best outcomes in stopping the pain. 

We don't cut corners or rush through your early visits. Instead, we rely on a unique, multi-step process that includes thorough assessments and high-tech, in-house diagnostics, such as CBCT imaging and digital scanning. Dr. Moran's in-depth approach considers the whole picture. It includes thoroughly evaluating your or your child’s teeth, facial structure, jaw joints and chewing muscles. Her approach consists of an extensive, upfront treatment planning to improve the appearance, function and health of your smile and bite.  

It’s time to Brace Yourself for Viable and Effective Solutions for TMJ

Though no two cases are the same, we take a conservative approach to treating TMJ dysfunction. Dr. Moran typically recommends two treatment phases for people with TMJD. They include splint therapy, first to allow the joint to heal, followed by braces.

When considering braces for TMJ, and if braces help TMJ, it depends on your or your child’s case and the reasons for the TMJ dysfunction. There are myriad options available, including clear, metal braces, ceramic braces, 3M Clarity Aligners, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen may effectively align the teeth and jaw and create the ideal relationship between the teeth and jaw joints to eliminate TMJ. 

While braces can help treat TMJ, it’s possible that TMJ splint therapy may be necessary before comprehensive orthodontic treatment. In order to get the best results, especially in remediating the discomfort of TMJ, two treatment stages may sometimes be required. TMJ splint therapy includes patients wearing a clear, stabilization splint full-time for a specified period in these cases. The custom oral appliance encourages the joints and muscles to heal themselves. Research indicates that TMJ splint therapy can benefit growing patients with some emerging issues. 

It’s also important to note that splint therapy is no longer only reserved for adults. In fact, TMJ splint therapy is highly effective for both adults and teenage patients. Moreover, research indicates it can also be important for children to wear a splint if they exhibit certain red flags indicating that TMJ may develop as they get older. Experts have found that using a TMJ splint while a patient is still growing can prevent damage to the jaw joints and can even encourage proper growth and development of both the lower jaw and face. 

Brace Yourself for the Truth: Is it possible to get TMJ from braces?

You’re likely wondering if braces cause TMJ.  While various studies have occurred to determine if orthodontic treatments like Invisalign and braces can cause TMJ, the research suggests neither Braces nor clear aligners cause TMJ.

In fact, studies have found that Invisalign or other clear aligners can help fix TMJ. For those only familiar with traditional wire braces, Invisalign is a welcome alternative for straightening teeth and addressing TMJ. Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment option because it is both effective and discreet. Treatment involves wearing a series of custom, removable, clear aligners created from smooth, BPA-free plastic. 

The aligners fit over the teeth and allow wearers to go about their daily lives. The best part is that most people won’t notice you’re wearing them. As you go through the treatment series, which includes changing to a new set of aligners every week or two, your teeth will gradually shift into place based on Dr. Moran’s treatment plan. 

It’s important to note that considerable research indicates that neither braces nor clear aligners can be correlated with increasing a patient’s risk of developing TMJ after braces. As well, there is no evidence that Invisalign makes TMJ worse, either.

TMJ Treatment

Going Crazy from Pain? Foundations Orthodontics will Help you Feel Sane

Now that you’re armed, or in this case, aligned, with a bevy of information about TMD, or as it’s often referred to colloquially as TMJ, you may be wondering if there is a TMD treatment near me? Luckily, we have Denver, Granby and Winter Park offices to serve all your orthodontics needs. 

At Foundations Orthodontics, we believe orthodontics is about more than just a pretty smile. Dr. Moran and our team treat patients of all ages, including adults and teenagers suffering from TMJ disorders and other bite-related issues.  We are firm believers in preventative orthodontic care for children to stop more serious problems from occurring as they age. However, we aim to leave you with a pain-free, healthy, beautiful new smile regardless of age. 

If you or your child is struggling with jaw pain, don’t suffer unnecessarily. Book an appointment with Dr. Moran today!