Can Stress Cause Jaw Pain?

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The past year has been challenging for all of us. Whether you or someone close to you has become sick with COVID-19, or you’ve been affected by the numbers, the news, and the changes to everyday life, we can all agree it’s been a stressful time. So it’s no surprise that there’s been a reported rise in jaw clenching, teeth grinding, and the painful effects of these stress reflexes, including issues like TMJ disorder. In fact, a recent study on the coronavirus pandemic and orofacial pain published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine confirms this. The study found a 12% increase in facial and jaw pain since the start of COVID-19.

At Foundations Orthodontics, we’re experts in helping our patients find relief from jaw pain caused by TMJ issues. Now, you might think, how can an orthodontist help me with jaw pain? Isn’t an orthodontist just about straightening teeth? At Foundations Orthodontics, we take a more holistic approach. Our Board certified orthodontist, Dr. Renee Moran, looks at your entire craniofacial structure, including your teeth, facial structure, jaw joints and chewing muscles — assessing how they all work together. And it just so happens that these are what’s affected most by the teeth clenching or grinding (also called bruxism) that can cause TMJ disorder. 

What is TMJ and TMJ Disorder?

So what is TMJ? Short for “temporomandibular joint”, this is the facial joint that connects your jaw bone to your skull on either side. TMJ disorder, therefore, is a dysfunction in the joints and surrounding muscles that control your jaw’s movements. Bruxism from stress can put significant pressure on your TMJ, straining the joint, muscles and nearby nerves. If you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep or during the daytime, bruxism can result in unmistakeable jaw pain. You might also experience other temporomandibular joint dysfunction symptoms like:

  • Aching in and/or around your ears

  • Difficulty or pain when chewing

  • Dull headaches

  • Limited range of motion when opening your mouth

  • Stiff or sore neck

  • Damaged or missing teeth due to teeth grinding or clenching

A Contributing Factor: Misaligned Teeth

If your TMJ dysfunction is stress-related, you might not realize that the alignment of your teeth can also play a role in jaw pain. Misaligned teeth can perpetuate bruxism: when upper and lower teeth don’t stack properly, you might involuntarily grind them in an effort to fit them together. As bite correction experts, we at Foundations Orthodontics focus on correctly aligning your jaw and teeth, resulting in a positive change in your bruxism. Whether Invisalign or modern, more discreet ceramic braces, our approach is designed to bring your teeth to a place of health and stability, as well as look fantastic, of course!

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Your TMJ Treatment Expert in Denver

When you visit us at our Denver, Granby or Winter Park office, Dr. Moran takes the time to focus on you — we look at your TMJ dysfunction holistically so that your experience before and after TMJ treatment is worlds apart. We want you to be as pain-free as much as you do! Dr. Moran is known for her expertise in TMJ treatments and, in fact, she has extensive post-graduate training in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ issues. Our TMJ patients are always in expert hands. 

At-Home Treatments

Even though we’re experts in TMJ care, we’re not a team that rushes into serious orthodontic treatment. So we’ll first check if you’ve tried at-home pain relief like: 

  • hot or cold packs applied to your jaw muscles for 15-20 min, 2-4 times per day

  • over-the-counter pain relief

  • sleeping on your back to avoid pressure on your jaw

  • eating soft foods or cutting food into smaller pieces, NO gum

  • avoiding caffeine 

  • facial massage (open your mouth and gently massage the muscles near your ears)

TMJ Splint Therapy

If these at-home, conservative TMJ treatments don’t work, we might recommend TMJ splint therapy. It sounds fancy, but splint therapy is a simple plastic mouthguard you wear 24/7. It takes pressure off your TMJ and allows your painful joints and muscles to heal. Added bonus? If your TMJ dysfunction is because of bruxism, the splint acts as a mouthguard for teeth grinding, too, helping you stop grinding your teeth and protecting them from damage.

Comprehensive Orthodontics

Once your TMJ pain has been alleviated, Dr. Moran can look at treating misaligned teeth and build a strong, healthy and structurally sound smile for you. As mentioned, Foundations Orthodontics offers both Invisalign and the newest ceramic or metal braces that have smaller brackets and body-heat activated archwires that are more efficient and comfortable. 

Prevention of TMJ Disorder

Is TMJ dysfunction preventable? The good news is that some aspects of the disorder are in your control! We completely understand that it takes time and patience to reduce, manage or undo the stress that’s causing you to clench or grind your teeth. Especially in these pandemic times. But we’d say it’s worth trying the following options before jaw pain or other symptoms turn into unmanageable TMJ dysfunction:

  • Stress or anxiety management - Try strategies that promote relaxation, such as meditation, yoga or breathwork exercises. Or seek advice and strategies from a licensed therapist or counselor. 

  • Behavior change. It’s possible to lessen teeth grinding by intentionally practicing proper mouth and jaw position. Your tongue should be up on the front of your palate, teeth apart and jaw muscles relaxed. 

  • Bite Correction. If you’ve noticed you don’t have a stable bite or maybe multiple bite positions, this could be straining your muscles. Most of the time, your bite can be corrected with orthodontics. 

Start Your Pain-Free Journey With Us

Now that you’ve learned more about the possible causes of your jaw pain and how it can be treated, prevented or managed, your “before and after TMJ treatment” journey can begin! We invite you to come see us with your jaw pain or TMJ concerns — as bite correction experts, we’ll help set you on the path towards a pain-free you.

Rest assured, our TMJ treatment costs are personalized to your needs and are always all-inclusive. Contact us today for a complimentary exam at our Denver, Granby or Winter Park location or a virtual consultation.